It is a proud moment for MBTA as we announce our tie up with the Rafa Nadal Academy By Movistar. MBTA are the Indian partners for the Academy in Spain which is scheduled to begin operations by May 2016.

MBTA successfully organised a tennis clinic for 30 talented children who got a chance to hit with their favourite tennis player Rafael Nadal and his long time coach and Uncle, Toni Nadal. We had over a 1000 spectators, 30 extremely excited students and close to 15 MBTA team members be a part of this clinic.

There is so much talent in India which needs to be nurtured. The Rafa Nadal Academy will help us take this current crop of juniors to a much higher level and will eventually help us in churning out players who will play for India in the future.


Please feel free to call us in case of any information you may require regarding the Rafa Nadal Academy.


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